jShuffle for iPod Shuffle

jShuffle is a Java application which allow you to use iPod shuffle under GNU/Linux and many other Operating Systems. jShuffle comes with complete features especially for ipod shuffle including per song volume setting, start stop time, play/skip count, sound check.

jShuffle is a must have tool for your iPod Shuffle. Use it under Linux, Windows, Mac OSX, anywhere. Add new music from your friend's computer.

This software will read and write iTunesDB (apple propetiary format). Support also iTunesSD and iTunesShuffle which is only in iPod shuffle.
This software will be command line interface at first. I need help developing GUI version. GUI programmers welcomed (preferred using SWT).

Latest Release


Bug fixes:
new song not playable
add song filetype detection
startup script

New feature:
can run jshuffle.sh from any directory
allow excluding files when shuffling
new field: skip count / score
score = playcount *5 - skipcount
introducing a new feature: sound check in firmware 1.2
introducing a new feature: auto analyzing replay gain (only mp3 supported)

0.1 - Initial version

Getting Started

Thank you for downloading jShuffle. This software released under the term of GPL.
To use this software be sure you have Java JRE >= 1.4 This software have been tested under Sun Java, Kaffe.

1. download binary version
2. extract to folder in your ipod ( so you can add music from anywhere ;) )
3. change dir to extracted folder, cd /mnt/ipod/jshuffle
3a. run ./jshuffle.sh in Linux console
3b. run jshuffle.bat in Windows cmd

You may set environment variable for easier use, for example add this to your .bashrc:

export IPOD_MOUNTPOINT=/mnt/ipod


download: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=147931
sf site: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jshuffle/
forum: http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?forum_id=496125

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Please leave comments/suggestions/patches if you use this software.